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Human, the Cause of His Own Evil

Humans have been living on the planet for more than 10,000 years and in this very long period of time he tried to establish a respectful connection with nature, however based on precarious balances: if the relationship between them at the beginning was at par and was based on mutual interdependence (also by virtue of the debt that the first civilizations had towards the Mother Earth) this relationship has turned dangerously, especially from the industrial revolution onwards, towards the achievement of certain economic goals, which had to be obtained necessarily.

Therefore humans began to exploit environmental resources in a reckless way, while altering the natural harmony; so we can say that the human being is the main cause of pollution and the consequent climate changes.

An example is the worrying increase in emissions of greenhouse gases, which industries and means of transport introduces in the environment, contributing to global warming with dramatic effects on the ecosystem.

In the name of technological progress and money, the human being has therefore completely forgotten the unwritten contact that saw him as custodian of a fragile planet, from which he was welcomed and fed.

Everyone of us, in this way, has ensured a comfortable life, facilitated by development, without realizing that it was the most important good the one which has definitively compromised: health.

In most cases, children pay this salary and asthma, lung cancer, conjunctivitis and the presence of lead in the blood become the common denominators of a rampant evil.

It is therefore necessary that everyone arms himself with good volition and starts, since his daily life, to reverse this threatening current.

Some small precautions are enough, such as avoiding using the car for small trips or collecting waste.

Starting from these simple gestures, in the near future it will be possible to reconstruct that delicate and perfect balance that man is slowly destroying.

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