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Blue Gold

"Water is the substance of life, matter as a constituent of all that is and a resource of all that lives".

Although water has been available to humans since his birth, it has never been cured, indeed he has taken advantage of it, bringing it to ruin. One of the ways of contaminating this source is ocean pollution, home to 10,000 billion species of fish and some varieties of mammals.

This content is caused by residues of fertilizers and pesticides, slag from fuels or nuclear wast but most of all by plastic bags in PET.

One of the most targeted species is that of whales, reduced at the end of life due to the insertion of such materials.

A recent example is the whale found on January 28th on the Norwegian coast of the island of Sotua; it wasn’t able to absorb nutrients anymore due to 30 plastic bags ingested and finished in the stomach. At the time of death, these bags were then extracted from the animal to testify the gravity of the phenomenon.

This is just one of the ways in which man mistreats a precious commodity like water; this is not just about seas or oceans, but even in rivers the same situation occurs.

Here is a concrete example near the location where our institute is located: Zogno, in the province of Bergamo.

On 27 August 2017 the water of the Brembo river suddenly became dark in the Brembate area; the motivation was the bad behavior of the managers of the Boltiere purifier that released sludge with sewage into the river through a canal. This caused a foul smell of sewer in the air, the alarm and concern from the citizens and the swimmers present on the spot.

Another phenomenon related to the destructive action of man is global warming, due to the emission of CO2 in the atmosphere and cause the melting of the glaciers that will increase the sea level 5 mm each year, leading to chain effects such as: rivers in full, increase in floods ...

Furthermore, global warming involves increasing the heat, thus evaporating the basins and the consequent increase in rainfall due to the presence of water in the atmosphere.

From this it follows that man is not only an architect but also a victim of all this; so why not change things?

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